Pix Box RoadMap What is a PixBox? Pixbox is a 3d pixel creation (Voxel) with the theme of an action figure. Because of this concept, Pixbox has a lot of potential to develop and create more works in the future. Pixbox is made manually with approximately 2-3 hours of processing each work without the help of coding, etc. Produces its uniqueness in each of his works. Pixbox adalah sebuah karya 3d pixel (Voxel) yang bertemakan mainan action figure. Karena konsep inilah Pixbox mempunyai banyak potensi untuk berkembang dan menciptakan lebih banyak karya di masa depan. Pixbox dibuat secara manual dengan kurang lebih 2-3 jam pengerjaan tiap karyanya tanpa bantuan Coding, dll. Menghasilkan keunikan tersendiri di tiap karyanya. Pixbox has front and side boxes. The bottom front box contains the work number, work name, and rarity label and on the top front, there is the word OCP which stands for OrangeCatPixel. Pixbox mempunyai box bagian depan dan samping. Bo